Sunday, February 16, 2020

STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Case Study Example The trend is such that the businesses and consumers expect to communicate with each other instantaneously. Information Technology has brought huge increase in the level of productivity in the last few decades. There has been a union between the telephony sector and IT, which was driven by altering the voice traffic from the analogue signal to a digital packet. The union is indistinguishable from the rest of the data packets, which travel via the computer network (Graduate Prospects Ltd., 2013). The sector has encountered a number of problems, in the recent past and the biggest of them is the economy. The conditions of the sector can be enumerated through examples, so that a clear picture of the same is obtained. The economy of United States (US) has been in an inflationary path. After elections, the technology sector has encountered a huge decline. The scenario in Europe has been the same. The Euro collapse had decreased the demand in European consumer technology. When the European Union countries experience an increase in commodity prices and tax hike, the US export, availability of credit and corporate profitability are bound to suffer. So, all these factors have affected the sector to a large extent. Despite the euro crisis, European demand for consumable technology has not hampered and technological companies are seen to invest in more and more new products that are invented by them. The technology sector demands for huge cash in dollars and euro, so that the sector co ntinues to flourish in the future. The vital part of the technology sector is insurance coverage, which is designed in order to maintain same pace with potential growth of the individual business (Private Sector Development, 2009). The mobile segment of the technology market had encountered drastic changes, along with potential growth, in the past few years. It is also expected to enjoy further growth in the future. According to certain

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